Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Home Automation - Take 2

So its been a while since I've posted now. Home automation part 1 came to a complete stop when working/grown up life caught up with me.

Now I've switched jobs to a tiny startup closer to home hence giving me back 1 hour a day from my commute time which translates to : Time to restart my project(s)!

I will be posting here as often as I can with github links to my source code and updates/links to buy etc.

Here's the realistic timeline/goal:

Year 2014:


  • Buy Rasp Pi Model B version 2 
  • Buy keyboard + mouse + usb hub + power supply + camera module + breakout board 
  • Set up home server on rasp pi - make sure it can be accessed from the outside world (flask probably)
  • Set up motion sensing video capture with live stream and text alerts (possibly Twilio)
  • Buy raspberry pi microphone + speakers
  • Set up audio override for motion sensing - What does this mean you ask? Get home, have the raspberry pi greet you and tell you to announce the secret word for that day. Async request to Twilio to send a text with the secret word for the day. Announce the word to disarm system. If system isn't disarmed, video capture starts
  • Set up keypad override for home security system
  • Make this entire system look pretty (3-D printing of case and mounting hardware)
  • Purchase another raspberry pi and make it the "central machine". All future raspberry pi's talk to this central machine and this central machine runs the server and has a "dashboard" with stats from all other pis
  • Raspberry pi powered learning thermostat. Think Nest (sorry for using that name, please don't sue me) but cheaper, home made and uglier. Make this thermostat "learn" user preferences and auto set temperature accordingly. Post temperature graphs on server and give access to outside world
Rest - to be continued when its not 1 AM.

Exciting times :)

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